Armour in Canada (5) Ontario: Toronto
Tanks and Armoured Fighting Vehicles in Ontario, Toronto
The data and photos found on this page has been compiled by the author, unless otherwise credited. Any additions, corrections or amendments to the lists of Armoured Fighting Vehicles in Canada found on these pages would be most welcome and may be e-mailed to the author at

(Author Photos)
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, York Cemetery, 160 Beecroft Road.

(Author Photos)
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69036), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129515, “Athene”. This tank is one of two standing in front of the LCol George Taylor Denison Armoury, 1 Yukon Lane.

(Author Photos)
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 69209), built by Fisher, Reg. No. 30129688, “Ares”, LCol George Taylor Denison Armoury, 1 Yukon Lane.

(Author Photo)
M113 C & R Lynx (Serial No. unknown), Canadian Forces College, Toronto.
Information on the correct CFR number for this vehicle would be most welcome. The hull number on the Lynx is on the upper right corner of the glacis plate (vehicle's right) in a rectangle deliberately left bare of grip tread paint, also on the rear door about 3" above the handle pivot and on the observer's hatch between the 2 hinge arm brackets.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKANNo. 4235116)
Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5, 20-pounder main gun, on display at the Canadian National Exhibition, ca. 1965.

(Paul Johnston Photos)
Leopard C2 tank (Serial No. 78-85066), Canadian Forces College, Toronto. The Leopard C2 was a Leopard C1 with the original turret replaced with a remanufactured Leopard 1A5 turret with external spaced armour.
Captain B.S. Hutcheson VC Armoury, 70 Birmingham Street, Etobicoke (Toronto)
Bellenden Seymour Hutcheson VC, MC (16 Dec 1883 – 9 Apr 1954) was an American-born Canadian recipient of the Victoria Cross during the First World War. He served in the Canadian Army Medical Corps (CAMC), Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF), attached to the 75th (Mississauga) Battalion.
On 2 September 1918 in France, Captain Hutcheson went through the Drocourt-Quéant Support Line with his battalion, remaining on the field until every wounded man had been attended to. He dressed the wounds of a seriously hurt officer under terrific machine-gun and shell fire, and with the help of prisoners and his own men, succeeded in evacuating the officer to safety. Immediately afterwards, he rushed forward in full view of the enemy to attend a wounded sergeant, and having placed him in a shell-hole, dressed his wounds.
The citation reads:
His Majesty the KING has been graciously pleased to approve of the award of the Victoria Cross to:
Capt. Bellenden Seymour Hutcheson, Can. A. Med. Corps, attd. 75th Bn., 1st Central Ontario R.
For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty on September 2nd, when under most intense shell, machine-gun and rifle fire, he went through the Queant-Drocourt Support Line with the battalion. Without hesitation and with utter disregard of personal safety he remained on the field until every wounded man had been attended to. He dressed the wounds of a seriously wounded officer under terrific machine-gun and shell fire, and, with the assistance of prisoners and of his own men, succeeded in evacuating him to safety, despite the fact that the bearer party suffered heavy casualties.
Immediately afterwards he rushed forward, in full view of the enemy, under heavy machine-gun and rifle fire, to tend a wounded sergeant, and, having placed him in a shell-hole, dressed his wounds. Captain Hutcheson performed many similar gallant acts, and, by his coolness and devotion to duty, many lives were saved.
— London Gazette, 14 December 1918
The 75th Battalion's lineage is today continued by the Toronto Scottish Regiment (Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother's Own), a reserve infantry regiment of the Canadian Forces.
Universal Carrier.
Fort York Armoury
LAV III, memorial
Greater Toronto Area

(City of Vancouver Archives Photo, AM1590-: CVA 298-018)
M3 Scout Car built by the White Motor Company, on parade in Vancouver, British Columbia, ca 1944. Widely used by Canadian troops during the Second World War, one is preserved in Ontario.

(Scott M Duncan Photo)
M3 Scout Car, White Motor Company, USA601156, private owner.