Armour in Canada (7) New Brunswick, 5 Canadian Division Support Base (5 CDSB) Gagetown, Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School (RCACS)
Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School, 5 Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown
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M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, CFR 78-980, (Serial No. 1080E), 76-mm Gun, “Rousseau”, West of Bldg J-7.
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank, 76-mm Gun, restored and on display inside the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School (RCACS).

Canadian M4A2 W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" armoured recovery vehicle (ARV), Camp Gagetown, ca 1946-1970s. (NBMHM, 5 CDS Base Gagetown Photo)
A number of Canadian post war Shermans in Canada were converted into turretless APCs. This one appears to be in use as an armoured recovery vehicle based on the tow bar attached at the rear, but it may also have been used as a driver trainer. The headlights and guards on the glacis plate appear to have been taken from a Centurion and the box in the middle of the glacis plate is a Centurion driver's windscreen stowage box. It also appears that the Centurion tank front fenders have been attached to the front of the Sherman. The exhausts have been re-routed up the rear of the hull as indicated by the dual stacks. This is reminisent of privately owned post war Shermans used for logging and other industries. Jason Bobrowich.

Centurion Main Battle Tank Mk. 5/2, CFR 53-81201, L7 105-mm Gun, “Worthy”, West of Bldg J-7

Leopard C1 Main Battle Tank, 105-mm Gun, “Nixon”, West of Bldg J-7.

M113 C & R Lynx, CFR unknown, CR2-147, “Radley-Walters”, West of Bldg J-7.
M113 C & R Lynx, CFR 67-35953, CR2-5, under a tarp in the K17 Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School (RCACS) training compound, South of Bldg J-7.
AVGP Cougar, L-137-F-J79, in the K17 Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School (RCACS) training compound, South of Bldg J-7.

Ferret Scout Car Mk. 1, 56 Recce Squadron, UNEF, Egypt, 1957. Left to Right: Sgt Robert Slaney, L/Cpl Belfontain, Tpr Cooper, out on petrol along the Frontier between Israel/ Egypt. Photo taken by Scovil Brown from another Ferret in the Troop of four.

Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, CFR 54-82525, 25, previously painted all white, (Serial N. UNEF 1598), K17 Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School (RCACS) training compound South of Bldg J-7, 5 Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown.
Present day Armour in service with the RCD at the Royal Canadian Armoured Corps School (RCACS), 5 Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown.

Leopard A4, C Tp, RCD, 5 CDSB Gagetown, Oct 2016. (Author Photo)

Leopard A4M, C Tp, RCD, 5 CDSB Gagetown.

Leopard A6, C Tp, RCD, 5 CDSB Gagetown.

Wisent 2 Armoured Engineer Vehicle, RCD Lines, 5 CDSB Gagetown.
Wisent 2 Armoured Engineer Vehicle, RCD Lines, 5 CDSB Gagetown. Ashely and Cole, 16 July 2024.

TAPV, Courtrai.

Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle (TAPV), with the Author, at 5 Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown, New Brunswick.