Armour in Canada (8) Prince Edward Island
Tanks and Armoured Fighting Vehicles on Prince Edward Island
The data and photos found on this page has been compiled by the author, unless otherwise credited. Any additions, corrections or amendments to the lists of Armoured Fighting Vehicles in Canada found on these pages would be most welcome and may be e-mailed to the author at

(York Sunbury Historical Society, Fredericton Region Museum Collection Photo)
Prince Edward Island Regiment
Charlottetown, Queen Charlotte Armoury

(Author Photos)
M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65040), built by Fisher, with full skirts, Reg. No. 30123019, standing in front of the armoury.

Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, in front of the armoury.

(Author Photo)
Ferret Scout Car Mk 1, restored to running condition.

M113 C & R Lynx (Serial No. unknown). (Author Photos)
Information on the correct CFR number for this vehicle would be most welcome. The hull number on the Lynx is on the upper right corner of the glacis plate (vehicle's right) in a rectangle deliberately left bare of grip tread paint, also on the rear door about 3" above the handle pivot and on the observer's hatch between the 2 hinge arm brackets.
Royal Canadian Signal Corps Compound

Dodge M37 (G-741) ¾-ton 4 X 4 Truck, 4 Camadian Mechanized Brigade group crossing the Danube River by ferry, Ex Gross Rochade, Bavaria, Germany, Sep 1975. (Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 4748893)

Dodge M37 (G-741) ¾-ton 4 X 4 Truck. (Author Photo)

(jacfran58 Photos)
LAV III Monument, standing by the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 17, dedicated on 13 June 2017.
Prince Edward Island Regiment Building, Summerside

M113 C & R Lynx (Serial No. unknown), in front of the Supply Building on the site of the former CFB Summerside. (Author Photo)
Information on the correct CFR number for this vehicle would be most welcome. The hull number on the Lynx is on the upper right corner of the glacis plate (vehicle's right) in a rectangle deliberately left bare of grip tread paint, also on the rear door about 3" above the handle pivot and on the observer's hatch between the 2 hinge arm brackets.
LAV III Monument, Legion Branch 17, 97 Sunset Drive, Wellington.

Major Hal Skaarup has woven together an informative and detailed synopsis of the carefully preserved and restored armoured fighting vehicles on display in Canada. He highlights the importance of these upon key turning points in history when these AFVs were in use as tools of war at home and overseas. We often associate the evolution of military prowess with the advancement of sophisticated technology. Major Skaarup's descriptions of Canadian armour as it evolved to the level it has today reveals that military planners have had to be continuously creative in adapting to the changes in modern combat. They had to devise many intricate techniques, tactics and procedures to overcome the insurgents and opposition forces faced in Afghanistan and future overseas missions where Canadian armour will be brought into play. This guide book will show the interested reader where to find examples of the historical armour preserved in Canada, and perhaps serve as a window on how Canada's military contribution to safety and security in the world has evolved.
Lieutenant-General Steven S. Bowes
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A section on Prince Edward Island's M4A2(76)W HVSS Sherman "Easy 8" tank (Serial No. 65040), and the Armoured Fighting Vehicles on Prince Edward Island is also contained in this book. You can order it on line here: