Canadian Expeditionary Force (7) Corps of Military Staff Clerks
Corps of Military Staff Clerks

Corps of Military Staff Clerks
The Corps of Military Staff Clerks was established as a Corps of the Permanent Canadian Militia in 1905, with a single detachment in two sections located at Ottawa. One as the Corps of Military Staff Clerks and the second The Staff Orderly Service. The uniform of the Corps being authorized under General Order 125 of July 1907. The Corps remained a tiny regular force unit until the First World War when it was greatly expanded to meet the needs of both the Militia in Canada and the CEF overseas. After the First World War, the corps was again reduced to just 110 personnel. The Corps of Military Staff Clerks was disbanded on 30 September 1946.

(York Sunbury Historical Society, Fredericton Region Museum collection, Author Photo)
Corps of Military Staff Clerks.

(Library and Archives Canada Photo, MIKAN No. 3227716)
Main location file room, Canadian Military Headquarters Records Branch, Acton, England, 31 July 1945.