Italy: Regia Aeronautica Warplanes of the Second World War: Fiat to Macchi

Aerei da guerra italiani della seconda guerra mondiale

Italian Warplanes of the Second World War

Regia Aeronautica 1939-1943

Fiat to Macchi

Fiat B.R.20 Cicogna (Stork), bomber.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Fiat B.R.20M Cicogna (Stork), bomber.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Fiat C.R.25, reconnaissance/transport.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Fiat C.R.32, fighter.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

(Zerosei Photo)

(Smolik Photos)

Fiat C.R.32, fighter. fighter, in the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle on Lake Bracciano in central Italy.

(Smolik Photos)

Fiat C.R.32 fighter, in the Spanish Air Force Museuo del Air Museum, Madrid, Spain.

(Stahlkocher Photo)

(Alan Wilson Photo)

Fiat C.R.42 Falco/J11 Falco or Falk, Serial No. NC.2453, marked as 9 9, the Swedish Air Force Museum, (Flygvapenmuseum, Linköping, Sweden.

(Roland Turner Photo)

Fiat C.R.42 Falco (Falcon) fighter, Serial No. Fv2542), Reg. No. G-CBLS), being restored for the Fighter Collection, Duxford in the UK.  This aircraft crashed in Northern Sweden on 13 April 1942.  It was recovered in 1983.

(Alan Wilson Photo)

(Hugh Llewelyn Photo)

(Nick-D Photo)

(Oren Rozen Photo)

(Oscareagle Photo)

(Roland Turner Photo)

Fiat C.R.42 Falco (Falcon), Serial No. BT474 in the RAF Museum, Hendon, United Kingdom.

(Zerosei Photo)

(Smolik Photos)

(Alan Wilson Photos)

Fiat C.R.42 Falco (Falcon) fighter, in the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle on Lake Bracciano in central Italy.

Fiat G.8, trainer.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Fiat G.12, transport.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Fiat G.18, transport.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Fiat G.50 Freccia (Arrow), fighter.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Fiat G.50 Freccia (Arrow), fighter, in Luftwaffe service.  (Luftwaffe Photo)

Fiat G.50 Freccia (Arrow), fighter, captured by the SAAF in RAF colours.  (SAAF Photos)

(Regia Aeronautica Photo)

Two Italian Fiat G.55 Centauro fighter aircraft, 1940s.

(Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Fiat G.55 Centauro (Centaur), fighter.

During its short operational service, mostly under the Repubblica Sociale Italiana insignia, after the 8 September 1943 armistice, this powerful, robust and fast aircraft proved itself to be an excellent interceptor at high altitude. In 1944, over Northern Italy, the Centauro clashed with British Supermarine Spitfire, P-51 Mustang, P-47 Thunderbolt and P-38 Lightning, proving to be no easy adversary. Italian fighter pilots liked their Centauro but by the time the war ended, fewer than 300 had been built.

(Alan Wilson Photo)

(Zerosei Photo)

(Lorenzo Tomasi Photo)

Fiat G.55 Centauro (Centaur), fighter, in the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle on Lake Bracciano in central Italy.

Fiat G.55 Centauro (Centaur), fighter in Syrian Air Force service.  (Regia Aeronautica Photo)

Fiat G.55 Centauro (Centaur), fighter in Luftwaffe service.  (Luftwaffe Photos)

Fiat G.55 Centauro (Centaur), fighter, captured by the RAF and test flown at Tangmere in the UK.  (RAF Photos)

Fiat RS.14, reconnaissance.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Fieseler Fi 156C Storch (Stork), MM12822, liaison.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Fieseler Fi 156 Storch (Stork), captured by the RNZAF and repainted in RAF colours.  (RNZAF Photo)

Fieseler Fi 156C Storch (Stork), MM12822, liaison, in the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle on Lake Bracciano in central Italy.  (Alan Wilson Photo)

Gotha Go 242, transport glider.  (Luftwaffe Photo)

IMAM Ro.10 (Fokker F.VII), transport, commercial airlines.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

IMAM Ro.37 Lince (Lynx), reconnaissance.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

(Chris Finney Photo)

(Cirimbilo Photo)

( Smolik Photos)

IMAM Ro.37 Lince (Lynx), reconnaissance, in the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle on Lake Bracciano in central Italy.

IMAM Ro.41, trainer/liaison.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

(Alan Wilson Photo)

IMAM Ro.41, trainer/liaison, being restored in the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle on Lake Bracciano in central Italy.

IMAM Ro.44, floatplane fighter.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

IMAM Ro.51, fighter.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

IMAM Ro.57bis, dive bomber.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

IMAM Ro.58. dive bomber.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

IMAM Ro.63, reconnaissance/laiison.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)


(Luftwaffe Photo)

Junkers Ju.52/3m g7e, transport.

Junkers Ju 87B-2 & D-1 Stuka, dive bomber.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Junkers Ju 87B-2 & D-1 Stuka, dive bomber, captured by Allied forces and repainted in RAF markings.  (RAF Photo)

Junkers Ju 87 (Wk. Nr. 494083), RAF Museum.  (Kogo Photo)

Junkers Ju 87 (Wk. Nr. 5954), Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, Illinois.  (Ox6adb015 Photo)

Junkers Ju 88A-4, bomber.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Klemm Kl 35, liaison/trainer.  (Luftwaffe Photos)

Loire et Olivier LeO 451 B.4, bomber.  (Regia Aeronautica Photo)

Macchi M.C.94, transport.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Macchi M.C.100, transport.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Macchi M.C.200 Saetta (Crossbow Bolt), fighter.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

(Aldo Bidini Photo)

(Alan Wilson Photo)

Macchi M.C.200 Saetta, MM5311, 1-369, (MM8307), on display in the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle on Lake Bracciano in central Italy.

Macchi M.C.200 Saetta, 357, captured in Italy by USAAF.  (USAAF Photo)

(NMUSAF Photos)

(Valder137 Photos)

Macchi M.C.200 Saetta, MM5311, 1-369, (MM8307), on display in the National Museum of the USAF, Dayton, Ohio.

Macchi M.C.201, fighter.  (Regia Aeronautica Photo)

Macchi M.C.202 Folgore (Thunderbolt), fighter.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Macchi M.C.202 Folgore (Thunderbolt), fighter, captured and coded AN of RCAF No. 417 Squadron at Castel Benito, Italy, repainted in RAF colours.  (RAF Photos)

(Zerosei Photos)

(Alan Wilson Photo)

Macchi M.C.202 Folgore (Thunderbolt), fighter. on display in the Italian Air Force Museum, Vigna di Valle on Lake Bracciano in central Italy.

Macchi M.C.202 Folgore (Thunderbolt), fighter, (MM.9476), captured by US forces and named "Whacky Macchi".  (USAAF Photos)

Macchi M.C.202 Folgore (Thunderbolt), fighter, (MM.9476), USA FE-489.  This aircraft is now in the NASM.  (USAAF Photos)

Macchi M.C.202 Folgore (Thunderbolt), fighter, (MM.9476), USA FE-489, on display in the NASM, Washington, D.C.  (Cliff Photos)

Macchi M.C.205N Orione (Orion), fighter.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

Macchi M.C.205V, fighter.  (Regia Aeronautica Photos)

(Anidaat Photo)

Macchi M.C.205V, fighter.

Axis Warplane Survivors

A guidebook to the preserved Military Aircraft of the Second World War Tripartite Pact of Germany, Italy, and Japan, joined by Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia; the co-belligerent states of Thailand, Finland, San Marino and Iraq; and the occupied states of Albania, Belarus, Croatia, Vichy France, Greece, Ljubljana, Macedonia, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Manchukuo, Mengjiang, the Philippines and Vietnam.

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